The Beauty of Forgiveness

What if the biggest mistake of a lifetime could be forgiven in one night? This is the only question on Henry’s mind as he lies in the Hospice Care Center.


Help fund “The Beauty of Forgiveness” movie

Would like to help fund this film project? Sowing in good ground helps to produce a harvest that brings blessing to so many people. You can give a donation at:

The money will go to pay for filming related equipment needed to produce this film, such as sound and lighting equipment, and production costs. A joyful thanks to everyone who helps support the making of this film, The Beauty of Forgiveness.

You can follow the movie making progress of The Beauty of Forgiveness on my TikTok and YouTube channels.

TikTok Thompson Productions

YouTube Thompson Productions


Actor Tommy Hinnerman


Actress Lynnmarie Hinerman

Supporting Actors:

Henry in hospice played by Actor Bill Knill

Actress Lynn Eglseder playing Nurse Charmaine Winchester

Actress Lynn Eglseder

Actress Loretta Gaffney

Actor Austin Hinerman